Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tofu and Applesauce

Yesterday, I got to go to the agricultural market again. I got myself quite a bit of produce for not very much money!!!
The other day, I made some homemade spaghetti sauce and realized that now is the time to get tomatoes here in Korea. First of all, I surprised myself by making the sauce. I used to make my own sauce quite often, but I guess it's been awhile, and even though I have the right ingredients here, I seem to forget about making some things because of the price of the produce. What ever, good, healthy food is worth the money...So anyway, I made sauce and decided that I need to make some more and freeze it. When I went to the market, I found tomatoes and green peppers and good mushrooms and so on. We are in business for making sauce.

I also found some more millet and rice. But this time, I found something very precious and exciting for us...pinto beans!!! At least I think they are pinto beans. I brought them home and cooked up a batch. They taste like pinto beans. I am so excited about this! I got a nice little bag of them from home, but I haven't cooked them yet. They were too valuable. I was hoarding them for something special. Now I can cook beans! I know, it probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but we have found some tortilla shells and chips at the Costco here, and we would love to be able to have burritos, enchiladas and haystacks. We had found some canned kidney beans, but it just wasn't quite the same and they were a little on the spendy side as well. So, I had burritos for lunch today!

As for the following photo. I had to show this tofu! This is half of the tofu I bought yesterday. I put it next to the packaged tofu to show the comparison in the size. Those two packages are regular sized packages that we buy in the store. As you can see, one of those pieces is the same size as two packages. One piece is about $1.00, or 1,000 won in Korean money. It is perfect for sauteing or baking. It's very firm and good textured. The last thing that I really wanted to find at the market was a good price for apples. I found an ok price, but I was just happy to get a better deal than the grocery stores. Shane has beenmissing applesauce-especially on Sundays when we eat pancakes. So I really wanted to get enough apples to be able to make a decent batch of applesauce. I was able to make what you see here in the following photo. It's about three quarts. I am going to freeze this also. That's the only way of storing things for me at this point. There are no canning supplies around. I have seen nothing like that. But our freezer is decent-sized and I will just stuff it. I plan to go back and buy more apples. I made this during my free time this afternoon. I missed having the apple peeler/corer, but felt a real feeling of satisfaction when I had a big pot of apples simmering on the stove. It felt like fall should feel. It was even a dark and drizzly day-perfect for cooking!


Matthew and Beth-Anne said...

That is some massive tofu! Beth-Anne and I certainly haven't found anything like least none without brown spots on it!

We miss you guys and hope the Thanksgiving plans work out.


Unknown said...

We enjoy reading all your entries! Our little Cashmere Church has members currently on 4 continents! The Africa group in Tanzania, you in Asia, Dustin in Argentina, and the "home" church in North America. We miss everyone and pray daily for all of you. Keep the faith!